Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hair Revitalization- Take Note!

Hair loss made real by JWT for Pantogar makers of a hair revitalization product from Hong Kong.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Type n Walk- It's for real

You can now text on your iPhone while still seeing where you are going with the Type n Walk app.

Sadly, this is not a spoof.

Speed up or Slow Down? Trend says Slow Down!

Just when you thought that everything was all Red Bull and speed and energy were the thing, now comes news that the 2010 trend is to slow down. Here's how

Mary Jane's Relaxing Soda
According to their website it, "delivers euphoirc relaxation and focus to a stress-filled life" and all within a few minutes. Contains cane sugar, passion flower extract and kava. Kava is a 1000 year old folk medicine. Mary Jane's was developed by a guy who was laid off by a nutritional supplement company. His name- Matt Moody (no kidding)
This one is being called "weed in a bottle."

Ex Chill

"Kick back, put your feet up and daydream." For the "overworked, over-clubbed, under-slept or stressed out."Contains chamomile, Valerian, lemon balm and B vitamins. Developed by the UK guys who founded the Extreme Sports Channel.

Slow Cow

Launched in Quebec in 2008, Slow Cow was packaged to parody Red Bull. Instead of the two bulls fighting we have two cows relaxing.The main ingredient is L-Theanine an amino acid that increases levels of GABA in the brain. The claim is that it produces relaxation without causing sleepiness. Other ingredients: chamomile, passiflora, Valerian, Tilia cordata and hops. They recommend drinking a slow cow in situations of stress, after intense physical effort, before an exam and in case of insomnia...I don't know --doesn't that sound contradictory?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Cars and Sex around the world

Porsche- Germany

Chevy- Greece

Nissan - New Zealand

BMW - Europe

Mustang - Us

Yaris - Australia

Mercedes 1998 Europe- Banned

Dodge Durango US

Woe is me!

How many students can you get into a Condom?

Combine AIDS charity Cesviamo, Facebook, and a flashmob at the campus of a Italian University and what do you get?

A Condom Mob and lots of attention! And a giant condom full of students.

How many? 100

Monday, December 14, 2009

MSI Computer Viral - a Laptop and a Butt


Here's the original concept for Rayban

Signs- viral Schweppes

It's about Schweppes!

Inspired Bicycles- Viral

Mountain bike trailblazers – reaches the masses with a brilliant viral video.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Orangina Red- Ouch!

Don't know what to make of this French Orangina commercial...nasty!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Kit Kat Jesus Find is Fake- Gimme a Break

If you lived in the Netherlands you might have received a fake email sent from a fake person who had just bitten into a Kit Kat and found Jesus. The email was sent just in time for Good Friday. Of course the news organizations reported the story as if it were true.
The fake Jesus was created by ad agency UbachsWisbrun/JWT for Nestle.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Honda Music and Graphics Fever!

Decidedly different car commercials "Polygonal animation and rhythmic music to demonstrate how Honda Crosstour "fits, without fitting in."

Music in Boxes-Miriam Makeba's "Pata Pata"