Friday, January 22, 2010

The Hog Shop

Strange products from The Hog Shop

Cookie Cutters to make fetal bites shaped like embryos....ooh I don't want to eat them!

Che-a-pet....No..what are they doing with my Che!

Poor Santa!

This one might be useful

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stop Babies and Puppies

The ad guys have banded together against Babies and Puppies with a new website

They say,
"There is a menace taking over the ad industry. They require diapers. They have silly wet noses. They are babies and puppies. Combined, they represent the malignant core of all advertising cliches.Our only hope of ending their ruthless insurgence is you."

Check out the site...but gee those puppies and babies are cute!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Flash Mob? No- Flesh Mob!

To protest the proposed usage of so-called naked scanners at airports Germany's Pirate Party organized a Flesh Mob. Bodies were printed with slogans like, "Be a good citizen-drop your pants/"

Monday, January 11, 2010

Vintage Ad Browser---Lest we forget

Found this great resource for old ads called The Vinatage Ad Browser. Ads are sorted by decade and category. Here are a few from the gender area--Oh Boy

From 1893

From 1819 Howard Christie's Famous Christie Girl tells men to join the navy. So popular in WWI they used it to recruit in WWII

1930s reminding us we stink!

1939- Still Stinky

My goodness I need my vitamins too

Better Buy the right wonder I'm single

Lie down, lie down?

It's the 60s

Woe is me

Enjoy Moaning from China-Durex

My puppy sure perked up when she heard this ad.

Droid- Looks like a scary movie

Why is it being dropped by the military?