Thursday, February 25, 2010

Men all you need is Axe Twist? Axe uses Crowdsourcing

Didn't you know? The axe man can evolve.

From AdAge, "Women get bored easily," notes a version of the ad for Axe sibling Lynx in the U.K., which touts a "fragrance that changes."" The Unilever brand joined with London-based Face Co-Creation to recruit 25 college-age consumers to develop a fragrance that shows the Axe man can be complex -- and evolve literally over time."

The ad was created by "crowdsourcing." The men worked together for a week in 2008 in New York. They came up with the product idea, the actual product name and the basic ad concept. Five women also made up part of the group.

Paris Hilton causes a stir in Brazil-- "Very Irreverent, Very Blonde, Very Devassa?

Is Brazilian Devassa Beer commercial with Paris Hilton too sexy even for Brazil? There are currently three investigations going on in Brazil about Devassa's marketing campaign.

One investigation is based on a consumer complaint about the sensual nature of the ad.

See it here:

The second inquiry is question whether their website is encouraging excessive consumption. On the website and Hilton slinks around in kingerie and a top hat.

According to AdAge, "The launch of the Devassa Bem Loura extension of the Devassa brand started as a TV and online teaser campaign about a mysterious blonde, and the beer marketer spread the word Bem Misteriosa on Twitter. The website featured a keyhole that grew as people tweeted #bemmisteriosa, finally revealing Paris Hilton, a celebrity guest at Carnival in the beer marketer's VIP box at the samba school parade in Rio de Janeiro"

The third investigation was launched by a Womens' Affairs group complaining that the site is sexist.

The result of the investigations so far.... lots of media attention!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Man's Last Stand and the Comebacks!!!

As seen in the Superbowl 2010

And the Ladies Respond Parody Alert!!!

Revenge is sweet...but the marketer's knew this would happen.

(thanks to student Katerina K for the lead to these!)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

An Onion Ring more Popular than a PM

I never thought it could have happened to me. He really was not my type at all. He was nasty bad. Smelt of old oil, greasy- totally unhealthy. He appeared out of nowhere. Just there on the page one day. Someone else was talking about him so I looked. "Oh Gawd look at that grease ball!" I said to myself. Pathetic, yuck, but then I looked deep beyond the grease and saw he had such substance, depth and purpose. OK, he didn't say much- the quiet brooding type. It wasn't long before I fell for his charm..oh Onion..oh ..oh!

That's why the onion ring has more fans than Stephen Harper!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl 2010

Talking about My Generation

Google Parisian Love

Involvement- Are you engaged? Will it work

Snicker's Betty White
Who are you?

CEO resigns on Twitter

The shape of things to come?

Chief Executive Officer of Sun Microsystems, Jonathan Schwartz resigned Thursday with a haiku in a less than 140-characters on Twitter.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bored with your Snuggie?

Now it's the wearable towel..oh no save us!