Monday, January 12, 2009

Rose Petals - Cans of Smokeless Tobacco -What's the dif?

Once a sacred place, advertising space is now available on the front page of the New York Times for between $75,000 and $100,000 depending upon the day. Some would say it's because newspapers are becoming more flexible, but the truth is there is a serious advertising slump and newspapers and magazines are hurting. It's about Stayin Alive.

We have seen user generated content online and on TV, but who'd have thought Playboy would be using it. Their January edition celebrates Playboy's 55th anniversary and the 75th anniversary of Skoal.

Yeah Skoal- smokless tobacco. Twelve pages and the back cover are dedicated to advertorial content gathered from Skoal's site It includes jokes and of course the best looking Skoal models of the past.

Where once there were rose petals now there are cans of Skoal!

How romantic--NOT!!

Mouth Cancer- No kidding...

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