Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who knew there was a rat in the Viagra! Be afraid!

Pfizer says they are concerned for men. What's the problem? Well, they say that knock-off version of viagra that men may be purchasing over the internet may be harmful to their health. So Pfizer produced this over the top cinema ad to put a little fear into those amorous men.

On their site Pfizer explains that they made a realistic rat out of sponge that the actor had to shove in his mouth. They explain how real rats were also used but make sure to mention that no rats were sacrificed for the cause; they were already dead. You can see the making of the ad here The Making of the Pfizer Rat ad

Will it work? From most of what I've read on fear, over the top doesn't work if it is too scary. What works is a medium fear that gives a solution. What it has done though is raise the issue in a way that will create buzz...and buzz today goes a long way.

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