Monday, February 9, 2009

Networks wah about Obama talking during prime time

Lisa de Moraes of the Washington Post is reporting that Obama's prime time talks could cost the networks millions of dollars. She tells us one Network executive said of Obama's prime time talk, "His economic stimulus package apparently does not extend to the TV networks."

Fox , will miss an original episode "House." CBS would miss, "Big Bang Theory" and "How I Met Your Mother."

ABC might start "The Bachelor" at 9 instead of 8 and NBC would preempt "Chuck."

Her report goes on to say, "But besides the economic hit, broadcasters are worried that this kind of shock-and-awe approach to prime-time preempting might be part of an Obama strategy to charm his way to a new economic-rescue plan. 'As we're meeting this guy, from a network perspective, it's like, 'Is this part of the plan for him?' ' the network exec said. 'Is this what it's going to be: Is he going to take to the airwaves every time he has something to say?'"

I wonder if FDR had radio networks complaining about his fireside chats.

I wonder if the world is just about to end and an episode of "House," or "How I met Your Mother," "The Bachelor," or better still "The Big Bang Theory" is running will they cut in to let us know?

Network executive who says, "Is this what it's going to be: Is he going to take to the airwaves every time he has something to say?" What do you think?

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