Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Run! Public Embraces Snuggie Cult Pub Crawl

You've seen them on TV all smug in their Snuggies. You've laughed at the parodies on YouTube, but now they are coming for you, for real.

Thousands of them.

More than 2365 so far have signed up online at http://www.snuggiepubcrawl.com/ to take part in the Snuggie Pub Crawl. The event thought up by two twenty something internet marketers is planned for Chicago on April 18.

From their site, "The SnuggiePubCrawl.com team is donating proceeds from the event to the AC-Orphanage in Arusha, Tanzania. AC-Orphanage rescues orphans from the streets of Tanzania whose parents have been victims of HIV and TB. Your donations will go directly to providing food, clean water, clothing and schooling for these children."

The event is strictly BYOS- Bring Your Own Snuggie.

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