Monday, February 9, 2009

Training them right "The New Sellouts" swoon over Lincoln gas guzzler

Lincoln trying to go after a younger demographic, co-sponsored Sunday's Grammys using the broadcast to showcase 5 emerging artists, or so we are told.

It's a contest you see -Lincoln's "Project Rising Stars: Lincoln Video Music Challenge where young directors and artists create music videos starring you guessed it -the Lincoln MKS.

Karl Greenberg of Media Post reports that the videos align "with the way Lincoln launched the car last year, eschewing 30-second ads for a three-minute short narrative film about a Hollywood romance that aired during Black Entertainment Television Awards pre-show."

So if you are interested in the New Sell Outs ( sounds a bit like an appropriate band name) swooning around big gas guzzling, over priced machines check out the five winning videos at Lincoln Contest .

It's not a hybrid. Information about gas consumption seemed to be absent from the site-- lots of gizmos and flash and loud music though.

What it says, what it means.... new sell outs just like the old sell outs but doing it earlier.

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