Thursday, March 26, 2009

Coming to a Pothole Near You? The Colonel

If you are like me, you'd never have guessed that Colonel Sanders had a Christmas Album. These are things we learn from Google searches! But little did I know that he's also a man of many talents.

If you live in Louisville Kentucky, you may see him on street patrol in search of pothole to fill. Yes that is correct. KFC will be filling in potholes!

Of course it's not really going to be the Colonel. He's been dead since 1980, but a guy dressed up as our Colonel and an emissary of KFC or maybe even just regular work crews hired by KFC.

So what's in it for KFC? Well they intend to stamp the pavement with "Refreshed by KFC." with chalk that won't likely last that long.

The mayor of Louisville likes the idea in a time of tight budgets and the VP Marketing of KFC declares it is all about helping the everyday people. It also ties in with KFC recent "Fresh" campaign. They have an open invitation to other US cities that might like a little pothole servicing. They plan on helping at least 4 more cities.

In an age where advertising budgets are being cut, and jobs everywhere are being lost this idea fits into the area of consumer-service or cause based marketing. It's about building goodwill for a brand.

You have to admit that potholes are not good but you have to wonder what else will soon be branded.

I guess it's OK though; that is, as long as the holes are not filled with KFC.

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