Monday, March 23, 2009

The Good, the bad and the ugly of Brands has just released the results of it's BrandJunkie Awards. Here's a summary

Most Controversial: GM

Sample comment " How the mighty have fallen. The penultimate example of modern greed...with such a high level of arrogance (and political and industrial clout) that it had to take the current market situation to draw forth the admission that the greatest example of industrial success has been, for many years, a fraud. "

Best Retail Environment: Apple

Sample comments: "Gadget lovers dream, combined with interactive experience including product trial, lectures, great service and the genius bar." "Graphic, minimal environments that are clearly differentiated from competitor environments and which highlight and reinforce product qualities and encourage customer experience and interaction. "

Quirkiest Name: Snuggie

Sample comments:
"It’s almost just a fad, but then they just keep selling more of those things.
Snuggie proved to be an unexpected success during our recession."

"Oh dear god!"

Most Innovative and Enticing Packaging: Apple
Most Inspiring Brand: Apple Best Able to Rebound from Crisis: Apple

Sample comments:
"Sleek and minimalist....not cluttered by too much info. The main desire is to showcase the product. Apple carries this view through all that it does, from the way it designs the computers and Ipods to the way they design their stores." "iconic, and easily recognized." "innovative, different and provocative."

Most Effective Rebrand: Pepsi

Sample comments: "Refreshing, but does not lose the essence of the old Pepsi icon" "They seemed like they totally stole Obamas logo." "Love it or hate it, everyones talking about it and showing it."

Most Successful Viral Marketing: Facebook

Sample comments:
"Without doing anything but changing the criteria for admission it became the most hyped and talked about website on the Internet." "To the point where they are now jumping the shark, as mothers, grandmothers, and coworkers you never wanted to ever wanted to talk to before have come knocking to befriend you on this very ubiquitous social networking tool."

Brand that truly made an effort at being green and eco-friendly: NONE!

Sample Comment: "I can't think of one brand that really holds up to close scrutiny. There's always a dirty little secret hidden somewhere in the fanfare."

What it says- What it means

We are buying a lot of hype but not the Green hype. Companies have to do not only say what they are but be what they say.

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