Friday, April 3, 2009

The Twitchiker- It's a Nice World After all!

Can a guy using only twitter and depending on the goodness of other twitterers travel 11,000 miles around the world without spending a penny of his own?

On March 1, this year Paul Smith, a.k.a. the Twitchiker, left his home in Northern England and in under 30 days arrived in New Zealand. His journey took him through the Netherlands, Germany, France, New York, Washington, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Chicago and Los Angeles.

He followed two basic rules: don't plan more than three days in advance and stay at least two days in each location.

"The project wasn't about having a holiday; it was about testing social media to see if you could get one person around the world on good will."

From his blog, "The Twitchhiker project showed that kindness is universal, that the whole can be infinitely greater than the sum of its parts, and that social media may begin online but it will converge with the real world whenever and wherever you let it." To read more see his website

It's a Nice World After all!

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