Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Auctioning the Ad Interns on ebay

Intern Sale to highest bidder!

The new crop of 40 summer interns at Crispin Porter & Bogusky are for sale on ebay. Usually interns get minimum wage, but this crew will be topped up by the highest bidder.

The winner will get a creative presentation with strategies and recommendations done by the interns. The deal does not include any finished product.

According to John Capone at Media Post, the money is going to a good cause," the indentured servants of the corporate world, the interns themselves. They'll likely blow it on pizza, or pop, or beer, or fancy leather pants, or whatever it is kids in Miami and Boulder blow money on these days"

And who came up with the idea? "Bogusky is a bit fuzzy on how the whole auction intern thing started. "I thought it was my idea," he says. "But I heard from one of last year's interns that they suggested it, so maybe I stole the idea from them. Who knows?" (from Media Post)

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