Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Any wonder that the Diva goes all Diva over Cadbury

Is it at all surprising that Naomi Campbell is threatening to sue Cadbury over this ad?

But did you immediately know the reason?

According to Ad Week Campbell is saying it is upsetting to be described as chocolate.
Cadbury claims the ad is no longer running.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shelf Appeal- Is it the Words, the Colour, the Shapes or the Symbols?

According to Terri Goldstein in Media Post, it's not the Words! Terri reports that studies show words are the least important factor. It takes a consumer about 5 seconds to locate and choose a product.

Here's the order of attraction:
  1. Colours (enhances visibility)
  2. Shapes ( signal quality)
  3. Symbols ( Think Nike Swoosh)
  4. Words ( Best is when they focus on one competitive advantage)
Read more here Media Post

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cadbury Glass Half Full is Half Empty

We've seen the gorilla and the eyebrows, but Monks? What do you think? Has Half Full Productions turned Half Empty?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cadbury- Latest Viral attempt

It's not quite a Gorilla drumming or wacky eyebrows.