Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Solution to being beaten= Go to salon for new Hairdo

Fluid Hair Salon reacts to outrage about the "Look good in all you do" ad above by posting a response on its website. Here's part of their response:

"In response to the recent controversy regarding one of the ads from our “Look Good In All You Do” campaign, we launched over the past year, we respect everyone’s right to their interpretation of what they perceive the message to be. Similar to music videos, works of art, media, books, the ads were our interpretation of a particular “art form” – we are a Hair and Beauty Salon – our business is to make people “LOOK GOOD”. Is it cutting edge advertising? Yes. Is it intended to be a satirical look at real life situations that ignites conversation and debate? Of course. Is it to everyone’s taste? Probably not."

Hard to imagine satire in abuse

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Buttvertising - Coming to a butt near you!

It's a gamble that Betfair (the gambling company) is willing to take. They are betting that you'll take out your smart phone and focus it squarely on the butts of two British beach-volleyball champs- Zara Dampney and Shauna Mullin. Adweek reports that the gals are getting a five-figure deal for the placement of the QR codes on their backsides.

Is it odd that the gals previously complained about people sexualizing beach volleyball?

What it says- what it means!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How to Milk the Interesting out of Milk

Milk, you have to admit it's a bit boring. How to make it interesting? Ask the Brits at Wieden London who ask us, "Who First Thought to Milk a Cow?"