Monday, January 19, 2009

No Whoppers today!

Just eight days after the launch of the sacrifice 10 Facebook friends for a Whopper campaign, the Whopper Sacrifice application has been disabled by Burger King.

According to Facebook, they did not shut the application down. They required Burger King "to remove its functionality for violating users’ expectations of privacy. Normally, no notification is sent when a user removes a friend on Facebook. However, the Whopper Sacrifice application posted a feed story letting others know the friend was being sacrificed for a Whopper before finalizing the removal."

However, the Burger King Web site continues to blame Facebook., says, “Facebook has disabled Whopper Sacrifice after your love for the Whopper sandwich proved to be stronger than 233,906 friendships.”

If you were dumped or if you want to rant you can always send one of Burger King's angry grams or just visit to watch an angry Burger rant.

Has Burger King got anything to rant about? Hardly

In eight days 82,771 people dumped 233,906 friends, each of whom received notice that they were worth only 1/10th of the cost of a Whopper-- about 37 cents. The campaign and it's cancellation were widely covered in newspapers and of course social networks.

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