Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Porn industry seeks own stimulus- What's in a Headline?

Is it me or are some headlines just too funny for words? Recently MSNBC featured this headline, "Porn industry seeks own stimulus...package: Adult industry titans say economy has made Americans go limp."
OK so now the porn industry is going through hard times and is asking for a $5 billion bailout because "the economy has made America's appetite for sex go limp."

What's in a headline or a subject line?

A lot- I admit, I did go read this story. With a headline like that I had to.
It reminds me of subject lines in spam. Sometimes some are just so funny you almost want to click them but you know better. My all time favorite has to be this one, "Grow an Anaconda in your pants" It's just so ridiculous but, I admit it- it cracks me up just thinking about it.

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