Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Guerrilla Gone Bad -P&G Abandon Abandoned Boxes

Everybody loves a guerrilla campaign except maybe the police, the public, and the bomb squad!

P&G's recent promotion "P&G Faustao Airplane" in Brazil had wooden crates appearing in unexpected spots around Rio and other cities. The crates were intended to show that the airplane was full of prizes and some were falling from the plane.

When are people going to learn, what we all know- unattended packages are not things we want to see!

Rio's police proceeded to close off the streets, and call in the bomb squad. The crates were empty, of course.
The company has canceled more distribution of unattended boxes.

To make matters worse the promotions company had applied for a permit for the boxes but didn't get one, and the police are contemplating taking action to have the company pay for police costs.

But alas, the show must go on says P&G who is continuing the campaign and promising to land planes with prizes at winner's houses.

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