Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Love: Fact, Fiction or viral?

Posted October 24, 2010 the love story of Frank and Kasey. Boy plans marriage proposal. Girl on bridge in Central Park, band sets up and plays girl's favourite song- Stand By Me. Boy in rowboat below calls out to his love-proposes, throws ring to girl. Girl runs down to boat and they row away.

Oh if life were so sweet...some thought it was an iPhone viral ad, but no- it's for Thinkmodo, a company launching next January. The company marketing the potential of viral videos.

The success of the fake proposal video according to the company's founder Micheal Krivicka proved you can create a viral that appeals to men and women. Says Krivicka, “The field of viral videos is constantly changing and new trends are born every day,” he says. “With these particular findings we want to show advertisers that one video can target men and women. Separate campaigns are not needed.”

Conclusion- Love more fiction than fact; fantasy trumps reality; winner-slick marketers..boo hoo

Se Mashable for more information

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