Tuesday, November 29, 2011

CBC Smackdown! Some Things are Worth Fighting For

What it says, what it means..Fight for What you believe in

Thursday, September 15, 2011

How to Sell Juice in Russia?

Tagline says:"Glamour is for fools. Vitamins are for people."
Say what?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Quebec Billboard is Magic

How do you promote a magic festival? Well, with magic of course!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Solution to being beaten= Go to salon for new Hairdo

Fluid Hair Salon reacts to outrage about the "Look good in all you do" ad above by posting a response on its website. Here's part of their response:

"In response to the recent controversy regarding one of the ads from our “Look Good In All You Do” campaign, we launched over the past year, we respect everyone’s right to their interpretation of what they perceive the message to be. Similar to music videos, works of art, media, books, the ads were our interpretation of a particular “art form” – we are a Hair and Beauty Salon – our business is to make people “LOOK GOOD”. Is it cutting edge advertising? Yes. Is it intended to be a satirical look at real life situations that ignites conversation and debate? Of course. Is it to everyone’s taste? Probably not."

Hard to imagine satire in abuse

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Buttvertising - Coming to a butt near you!

It's a gamble that Betfair (the gambling company) is willing to take. They are betting that you'll take out your smart phone and focus it squarely on the butts of two British beach-volleyball champs- Zara Dampney and Shauna Mullin. Adweek reports that the gals are getting a five-figure deal for the placement of the QR codes on their backsides.

Is it odd that the gals previously complained about people sexualizing beach volleyball?

What it says- what it means!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How to Milk the Interesting out of Milk

Milk, you have to admit it's a bit boring. How to make it interesting? Ask the Brits at Wieden London who ask us, "Who First Thought to Milk a Cow?"

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Showdown at the Old Spice Corral

Just when you thought they were off the rail using Fabio, Old Spice brings out the duel.
Guy with hair vs Mustafa.. Are you kidding me? MUSTAF no question!

Mano a Mano in el bano July 26 noon http://youtube.com/oldspice

After 4 days and many many video, the winner of course is the Original Old Spice Guy!

See more here

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Meant for Viral; Skittles Newlywed X-Rated

Definitely X Rated and not meant for TV, this "spec ad" by Cousins and not approved by Skittles is really all about the Viral.

Oh my oh my

The disclaimer on the website SharetheRainbows.com says it's " a digital parody of the Skittles brand" and uses "the visual language of Skittles for the purpose of satire...The video is in no way associated with Skittles...the content of this website should in no way be construed as factual or defamatory..is intended for mature audiences and should not be accessed by persons under 18."

Friday, July 15, 2011

Strange Blast- Vivident Gum

Strange Italian gum commercial for Vivident Blast.

Doesn't make me want to chew gum, but maybe I'm just not in the target market..thank goodness!

Friday, July 8, 2011

TV Jealous of Smart Phone

"He never touches me like that. He rarely turns me on"

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Imitation, the sincerest form of flattery- Wikileaks

The MasterCard "Priceless" campaign has been parodied time and time again. Maybe it's tired, but this one might bring a smile to your face.

What Does it Cost to Change the World? from WikiLeaks on Vimeo.

Monday, July 4, 2011

KFC- Eat Your Fingers Off Soulfully!

I just can't help it. Every time I think of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) I think of people eating their fingers off. It's one of those examples of cross-cultural mistakes being made in translation of advertising slogans. The story goes that when KFC opened their store in China, the famous slogan "Finger lickin' good" was translated into "eat Your fingers off."

So even though this soulful London ad for KFC is sweet and sentimental..I just can't help it..I'm envisioning a zombie movie.

How To Sell A Book- The Book Trailer- It's a Social Media Revolution

We're all used to seeing video trailers for upcoming movies, but seeing a video trailer for a book may seem new to many of us. The first trailer for a book was for Dark Symphony by author Christine Feehan in 2003. Book trailers can be acted out with high production values or simple stills set to music.

For me the best ones are those where we have no idea that they are a sales pitch at all- we get hooked by either the story real or fictional.

Here's an example- Social Media Revolution 2011 version

and the version from the year before 2010

and the year before that 2009

And for the offbeat, see the 2011 Moby Book Trailer Video Award Winner

Friday, June 24, 2011

Move over Millennials- It's Z time

The oldest Millennials or Gen Y'ers are now 31. It's time to think about the up and coming Gen Z! Born between 1992/1994 and 2004/2010, they are the true digital natives. According to Ethan Lyon of Sparxoo.com In Generation Z Stats, they are, "coming of age publicly on the web." Their defining characteristics
  1. Speed Demons- a generation that has grown up on instant gratification with instantaneous Google answers- Age of AADD-Acquired Attention Deficit Disorder- On Demand is the New Normal
  2. Community Organizers and Curators- Born social through social nets befriending and interacting- Key Behaviours: Share, Express and Consume
  3. Open Books-Personal information is shared with little thought to privacy
  4. Micro Miners-Information broken down and condensed- think tumblr and twitter
  5. Self-publishing

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Positioning in Everyday Language- The Target, the competition for the target and the way to beat the competition.

A common definition says that positioning is the process used by marketers to create an image or identity in the minds of the target market.

Bob DeSena in his article On Positioning in Media Post (June 21, 2011) has an interesting take on positioning.

According to DeSena, the Dennis Rodman theory of positioning:

" For those who remember Rodman before the tattoos, green hair and body piercing became the story, he was the rebounding champion for the National Basketball Association for seven years in a row. While it was a great record on its own, the fact that he was 6' 6" in height (although listed at 6' 8") and 50 pounds lighter than the NBA giants with whom he was competing, made it even more remarkable.

Rodman did it by understanding his target (specifically studying where the ball would likely come off the rim for the various shooters), understanding his competition for that target (Shaquille and other big men and their strengths and weaknesses), and developing a sustainable competitive advantage for beating them (anticipation and speed). In short, he was a master of positioning. Really understanding those three elements -- your target, your competition for that target, and a way to beat the competition -- are the keys in basketball, in selling cars or in selling a personal brand for political gain."

Image Flickr by Open Sports

Saturday, June 18, 2011

It's a bird, it's a plane, It's a flying twitter hashtag

You know twitter has arrived when a plane sports a twitter hashtag #nerdbird.

Virgin America dedicates the plane to fans on social media with tweets and status updates

Unleash Your fingers

Can the product be as interesting as the commercial?

I'll sell you, if you sell me....We're all sold in TIME

The world stands on the brink for print journalism, no doubt. Maybe it's TIME to call in the big boys from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

Apparently, this is the first time Time has authorized the use of its cover to promote a product. Here Activision promotes its video game Call of Duty with the apocalyptic cover. Those who pre-order the game, get the poster. What's in it for TIME?

Boys, boys, boys.

That's modern warfare alright.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

KinectShop -Try it on virtually and get a pic of it too.

KinectShop is a soon to be augmented reality shopping experience for the Xbox Kinect. Shoppers can select items from the virtual store to try on an look at their appearance from multiple views. A QR code of the look can be shared to your phone, twitter of facebook. The code could even help you locate the item in a real store.

Read more at Fast Company


Evey wonder what kind of dog you look like. Well with this website application Doggelganger, sponsored by the Pedigree Adoption Drive and created by BBDO, you can find out and maybe adopt a dog if you live in Auckland, New Zealand. You need to find a picture where you are facing the camera. The only one of me I could find facing the camera was an older one, but you get the idea. Sheba's not going to be happy. I don't look like her!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

McDonald's Uses the Game Layer to Get You

Using an interactive billboard and a smart phone, McDonald's draws customers into its game layer.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Any wonder that the Diva goes all Diva over Cadbury

Is it at all surprising that Naomi Campbell is threatening to sue Cadbury over this ad?

But did you immediately know the reason?

According to Ad Week Campbell is saying it is upsetting to be described as chocolate.
Cadbury claims the ad is no longer running.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shelf Appeal- Is it the Words, the Colour, the Shapes or the Symbols?

According to Terri Goldstein in Media Post, it's not the Words! Terri reports that studies show words are the least important factor. It takes a consumer about 5 seconds to locate and choose a product.

Here's the order of attraction:
  1. Colours (enhances visibility)
  2. Shapes ( signal quality)
  3. Symbols ( Think Nike Swoosh)
  4. Words ( Best is when they focus on one competitive advantage)
Read more here Media Post

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cadbury Glass Half Full is Half Empty

We've seen the gorilla and the eyebrows, but Monks? What do you think? Has Half Full Productions turned Half Empty?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cadbury- Latest Viral attempt

It's not quite a Gorilla drumming or wacky eyebrows.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Reporters Without Borders Make Dictators Speak Truth

Press campaign for Reporters without Borders that makes Dictators speak the truth about what is going on in their countries with the use of simple augmented reality.

The campaign was created by Publicis Brussels

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Toronto Art Director you have to Love

Art Director Sean Ohlenkamp's created a unique anniversary gift for his wife.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

American Airlines Flash Mob Post- Be careful what you ask for.

When American Airlines wanted to announce 10 new destinations out of Los Angeles, a flash mob sounded like a great idea. Forty dancers put smiles on many faces.

But once the video was posted on YouTube, AA opened up the comments by asking what type of video content everyone would like AA to produce.

The top comment posted by Feralnerd reads,

"I have a ZANY wacky social media idea for you! It's pretty out there but here goes: what if you got people to fly with you by...having better service, and lower prices? WHAT A WACKY GIMMICK THAT WOULD BE!"

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Foursquare-Check in for Food for Fido

Foursquare conditions dog masters to check-in for Dog food

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Devo Interactive Video- Click and move to buy things

In the video, you control where to go and what to see. You can click to buy things too.

You are the director

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Better Marriage Blanket

According to the commercial it makes a great gift for a wedding or anniversary. Better send one off to the Royals!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Used car compared to a woman?

Dale Wurfel's Used Car ad in the London Free Press reads, "You know you are not the first. But do you really care."


Monday, April 4, 2011

Wife Says no to Ipad 2 but Apple says Yes!

According to Macrumors, a man who returned his iPad 2 to Apple with a note saying "Wife said no." ended up with it being returned to him with a note from Apple, "Apple said Yes."

Apparently the apple employees were amused at the reason, and the higher ups at Apple decided to have some fun, and get some great PR along the way.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Times Square Video Hack isn't What We Think.

Almost a million and a half views in 5 days the video "How to hack video screens on times square" is probably something we'd all like to believe.

For all those who want to believe it's true, think again. James Perceley and Michael Krivicka founders of Thinkmondo produced the video to promote the new movie Limitless. The video does not mention the movie. According to the Tanzina Vega's NY Times article Viral Videos Catch On That Only Hint of Sponsor's Purpose, marketers want to attract viewers on social nets without overtly pushing products.
In the video the man hacking the billboard buys a red balloon to which he attaches his hacking device. The balloon floats across a video trailer for the film Limitless and changes its content.
Read more in the NYTimes article here.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Augmented Reality Angels Fall from Sky

If there really were angels would they really all look like this?

And here they are falling from the sky in Victoria Station

Thursday, March 3, 2011

No escape. They'll read your face! It's called Affective Computing

According to Media Post, Forbes.com plans to release a face recognition app this week. Those using the app will view video ads and turn on their webcams. Forbes will be able to tell participants reaction through the facial recognition software.

The software developed by Affectiva and MIT Media Labs was originally developed to help those who have difficulty recognizing emotion.

Marketers can use the software to make changes to potential ads, and gaming companies could use it to ramp up a game if it appeared the user was losing interest.

Here it comes affective computing.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What's Super in SuperBowl-- May the Force be With You

The verdict is in, nostalgia and cute beat rude and risque at the 2011 ad Superbowl. Volkswagen's The Force with over 27 million views on YouTube and over 10 million before the game itself was in a league by itself. According to AdAge that kind of free media is worth over $500,000 against the $3 million cost of the 30 second ad on the Superbowl. And that doesn't include the value of news coverage.

One Nielson poll places it as most liked but it wasn't in the top 10 of most recalled ads after the game.

Read more about the Superbowl ads at AdAge

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Supermarket Inc-Inside a $500 Billion Money Machine

On CNBC tonight 9 pm EST (Jan 27,2011) the documentary Supermarket Inc. with repeat showings Saturday, January 29th at 7pm EST and Sunday, January 30th at 10pm EST

From heat maps that track your travels through the aisles to placing sought after items in distant places, supermarkets are pulling out the arsenal to watch, follow, analyze and entice you to buy more.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Data Privacy Day is Friday

Friday January 28 is Data Privacy Day. Its purpose is to promote data privacy education.

From the website,
"Data Privacy Day is an international celebration of the dignity of the individual expressed through personal information. In this networked world, in which we are thoroughly digitized, with our identities, locations, actions, purchases, associations, movements, and histories stored as so many bits and bytes, we have to ask – who is collecting all of this – what are they doing with it – with whom are they sharing it? "

The site is sponsored by Intel, Microsoft, Visa and Google-your "Data Privacy Day Partners."

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Forever Lazy

If you thought the Snuggie just did not go far enough..it's the Forever Lazy


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge Candy Bar is Toxic!

Finally, there is truth and transparency in advertising!

The Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge Chew Bars imported from Pakistan and distributed by an Indian company Candy Dynamics contain elevated levels of lead and have been recalled!

Well, they are called Toxic!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Orangina ads

The 2007 commercial Orangina Juicy

the Making of the 2007 commercial

Orangina Animals in 2010